Introducing the X-Keys USB Foot Pedal
The X-keys XK-3 USB Foot Pedal is a device to control the computer with your foot. It provides hands free operation with three easy to use pedals. A large center pedal and two specially designed side pedals for easy access without accidental operation. Originally designed for the dictation-transcription industry, it’s now found in many computer applications where the hands can not be used as easy as the feet for control. These applications range from medical and pharmaceutical where a sterile environment prevents hands from touching a keyboard or mouse, to teleprompter control for live broadcast, when the presenter’s hands are in view and they need a discreet method of input.
When choosing a foot pedal as an input device there are a few important considerations.
- Do you want to control a single event like start and stop?
- Are you controlling continuous running media like a video or teleprompter script?
- Do you need quick and easy momentary events like next page, or previous page?
Depending on the answers to these questions, different physical configurations of foot input will work better than others. X-keys XK-3 USB Foot Pedal comes in both a front and rear hinge version, but single and other more durable foot input options can be created with an X-keys switch interface attached to one or more of many foot switches that we carry.
KBS carries the complete line of X-keys input devices including several types of foot pedals. All of them are fully customisable so they can trigger the proper keyboard shortcuts, mouse commands or other input required for you software.
If you are unsure which version works best for you application or any other questions regarding this unique input solution do not hesitate to contact us.